IT Operations
We don’t simply host your mission-critical IT systems.

We take pride in learning and supporting your business processes, and in providing you with with live and meaninful insight to your running system. Learn more
Great Success or Resounding Failure? The quality of your  Enterprise Architecture always makes the difference.

We have helped large corporationss create new and fix existing Enterprise Architectures for over 10 years. Learn More 
Testing Services
Our testing division specializes in enterprise application performance analysis.

We provide both experienced test management and skilled test automation consultants. Learn More.
We specialize in Oracle-on-Oracle solutions
By using Oracle’s award-winning technology at every level of the stack (from Hardware on up to the Application Middleware) we can provide you with highly performant solutions at a very competitive total cost of ownership.
Learn More
Do you need Quality IT Infrastructure?
Get in touch!

IS Nordic A/S
Lyngbuvej 24, 1. sal
2100 Copenhagen Ø

Jan Andersen
+45 1234 1232
Office Switchboard

+45 12341234