
IT Operations

We operate your complex and mission-critical IT services in our data centers.
The steps below summarize our approach to the incubation of a new Operations Project:
Step 1 of 5  – Enterprise Architecture
We meet with you to advise on the design of an appropriate Enterprise Architecture.
Step 2 of 5  – Infrastructure Establishment
We establish your network and hardware resources as well as your Operating System and Middleware services in our Danish data centers.
Step 3 of 5  – Process Establishment
Together we fine-tune IS Nordic’s standard ITIL Process implementations for Service Transition and Service Operation, ensuring that these processes interface well with your organization and your organizational culture.
Step 4 of 5  – Transition
We aid you in Deploying your application and Testing it’s functional and technical requirements.
Step 5 of 5 –  Operation
Our MonitoringServiceDesk and 3rd Level Support teams are at work or on standby 24/7 to ensure that your data is safe and your end-users enjoy a responsive and reliable IT system.

How are we different?

Our mission is not to be the Biggest Player but to deliver the best Solutions and the recognized best Service.
Enterprise Architecture to us means that well before establishing your basic infrastructure, we learn about your IT system holistically. We begin our collaboration by reviewing the system’s Software design,  its Use-Cases, it's I/O and Network bandwitdh consumption projections, requirements for load-balancing and fail-over solutions, and many other aspects.
* Repeatable tasks should always be automated because
** Humans make mistakes. RISK
** Computers are faster than humans. BUSINESS ADVANTAGE
** Computers leave detailed logs of what they do. SECURITY
** Computers always perform an automated task in the same way. RELIABILITY. RISK REDUCTION.
* IS Nordic Backbone bundles years of our automation experience and makes the benefits directly available to our customers. (Link to Backbone page)
@TODO Write introductory prose to explain the benefits of Automation, and how we go far beyond just paying lip-service to it.
We are quick and think outside the box. Our company is small and has flat hierarchies, this is a major asset when it comes to serving our customers.

@TODO contrast how we do things with how our large competitors do, and make visible how this results in us providing better service.
Strategic Partnerships
IS Nordic is an Oracle Platinum Partner.
We speak at Oracle Conferences.
We have Oracle Database, OS and middleware specialists on our team who can get to the bottom of even the toughest challenge...
For projects that require software developement as part of the ongoing operations effort, we partner with KMD Denmark.
We also use KMD’s data centers in addition to our own when customers’ require a high level of geograpical redundancy.

Reference Projects

SKAT A&D System
Document-rendering and print-scheduling for the Danish TAX agency
The A&D system  renders, prints and causes the physical delivery of up to half a million physical letters to Danish citizens and corporations every month. The preparatory fases for going live with this system put a heavy emphasis on fail-over reliability and automatted monitoring, as outages can have an immediate financial impact on the customer's business.
“IS Nordic have taken the undocumented and ill-executed mess we gave them, cleaned it up with their partners at KMD, and are now providing us with an Operations Service that is a joy to behold.”

Jan-Ole Henrik-Møllersen
Project Manager, SKAT A&D
Københavns Kommune KØR System
ERP system for the Copenhagen Commune Municipality.
All of the ca. fifty thousand people employed by the Copenhagen Commune rely on this system to pay them their monthly salary! Due to an excellent collaboration and track record for this system, Copenhagen Commune has extended this Operations Contract with IS Nordic multiple times.
“IS Nordic are unbelievable!!! Since they took over the operation of our IT System, I’ve essentially stopped working. All I do now at the office is drink coffee and complain about something arbitrary every now and then-”

Gregory Whackodoo
Project Manager, KK KØR

Get in Touch!

Contact Mona Lindbergh Olesen to find out more about out IT Operations Service.
Mona Lindberg Olesen
IS Nordic A/S
+45 29681234